
Day 31

Can you do this? I can't! She practiced her headstand LOTS and finally got it down tonight! It was a big deal for her. Love this girl. She practices so hard at her sports and school, and puts forth all her effort. She is an awesome person.


  1. that seriously is impressive! Great job!!! She really is awesome.(because she has awesome parents!) I agree!

  2. That is so cute that getting that down was so important to her! I always wanted to be able to do that.

  3. I can't even do that with the help of a wall! She is such an amazing gymnast and has always amazed me with the things she can do. I can't wait to see her new tricks and hopefully watch her during her class... I am also really proud of you too. You made it to "Day 31" already!!! I can't believe it. Now you're all caught up and the new month begins. :)

  4. Quite impressive! What an awesome girl :)

  5. By the way, Reed saw me looking at your blog this morning and said, "I want to see pictures of Kody and Hailey!" Now, all day long, he's been asking to see pictures of Hailey and Kody :)

  6. Wow Hailey is seriously amazing! Way to go girl!

  7. Thanks everyone.... you are all so sweet. I read her all your comments. She had sucha BIG(and embarassed) smile. I know she feels special hearing what you had to say. Thanks for caring about her.

  8. When the up becomes down,and the down; up ;there is the Yoga master Known today as "Rolfe H". (the buddah knows that child has a gift).
