
Day 296

So since the little guy's been into picture taking lately I thought I'd go try and get some photos with the beautiful fall colors. So yesterday I got everything ready and then told the kiddos what we were gonna do. It didn't go well! He HATED the idea because I wouldn't let him wear whatever he wanted. Since he was about 2 we've been fighting over clothes. (he's a very opinionated boy) So I resorted to bribery!!! I payed him $5, and that still took some coaxing. And sweet big sister needed to get paid to make it fair. So $10 later, and a few tears.... we have these pictures:

While we were taking this picture, she asked me "Why do my eyes kinda close shut when I smile?"Dear ol' Daddy... that's why!

Aren't they cute?


  1. Wow, the colors are beautiful! And the bribery was worth it--cute kids in super cute outfits :)

  2. oh my goodness these are honestly the cutest pictures I've ever seen!
