
Day 296

So since the little guy's been into picture taking lately I thought I'd go try and get some photos with the beautiful fall colors. So yesterday I got everything ready and then told the kiddos what we were gonna do. It didn't go well! He HATED the idea because I wouldn't let him wear whatever he wanted. Since he was about 2 we've been fighting over clothes. (he's a very opinionated boy) So I resorted to bribery!!! I payed him $5, and that still took some coaxing. And sweet big sister needed to get paid to make it fair. So $10 later, and a few tears.... we have these pictures:

While we were taking this picture, she asked me "Why do my eyes kinda close shut when I smile?"Dear ol' Daddy... that's why!

Aren't they cute?

Day 295

I love that my kids are playing outside when it's rainy and in the 40's! I also love that they are imaginative. They decided to make a shelter... they shoved an umbrella, 2 sleds, and she's working on getting the christmas tree stand into the tree. For decorations they have birdhouses and buckets. Somehow they have a kitchen (to make stew) and a garage... where the puppy (little brother) is kept.
When my little man discovered I was taking pictures he kept doing "silly" things and asking me to take his picture. This just started the last few days... and I think he's adorable. The first picture below he's balancing on his one foot. And the second, he's shaking his head back and forth.


Day 294

WARNING.... this is a scary costume!!!  Ok maybe not to you, but I have a hard time looking at it-well the mask. I love Halloween.... the fun side. And this is a little too creepy to me. She loves it though, so that's what's great, right?


Day 293

WOW! I thought having my son in preschool would free up some time for me. That hasn't happened yet. I find that I wait to do all my shopping and errands, and even cleaning for when he's in school. So free time... nope! It is nice being able to run errands without kids though. (I've even been able to go on a few lunch dates with my hunny-no baby sitter needed!)

I realized last night that I've been wanting to make a pillow dress for my daughter for the Halloween season. I HAD to get the dress made last night, so she could wear it today since today was her last day of school this week, and she only has next week till Halloween.

So here's the adorable little ghost!!!